65 ins Carritos Taqueros Al Gusto Plancha taco carts G36W2
Model: 730333696136
Retail Price:
$125 for under 50 miles
$169 for 51~65 miles
$219 for 66~85 miles
$281 for 86~125 miles
1. Same-day, next-day, and third-day delivery are available.
2. The prices are for ONE-TIME transportation using a 26FT truck, please contact our sales for more details.
If you have any questions? see if you can find them from here.
Tacos ( chila*****@gmail.com )
2022-01-28 10:00:05
How much for the 65” plancha with the deep fryer ( eduar*****@gmail.com )
please contact our sales team
2021-11-16 15:06:50
Will the fryer attachment fit in this unit? ( richa*****@gmail.com )
yes you can substitute for a steamer line.
2021-11-15 09:31:30
Cual es el precio de una plancha de 48 x 24 ? ( ju**@yahoo.com )
puedes encontrar las planchas en nuestra pagina
2021-08-30 13:07:51
Hello I am going to be in the California area this November and I am wondering how I might be able to order one and pick it up instead of having it delivered and paying shipping costs ( el.taq******@gmail.com )
2021-08-25 13:53:02
Me interesa este carrito pero tambiem quiero añadirle un trompo para tacos al pastor y una charola redonda para ir cocinando la carne y calentar las tortillas ( js6***@gmail.com )
The product 65 ins Carritos Taqueros Al Gusto Plancha taco carts G36W2 was successfully added into your cart!
What is 'Together Item'
1. Together item must ship with other item which can fit on ONE PALLET, e.x. if you buy one upright cooler, it takes one pallet itself, together item cannot ship with it, you need choose "Independent delivery", if you buy an under counter machine, together item can put on top of it, total takes one pallet, you can choose "together item".
2. One shipping included item can only have one together item ship with it.
3. If you send shipping company to pick up together item, can take the together item price, NO MORE OTHER PICK UP DISCOUNT.
4. Every order over $1000, for each ordered item you can choose one $1 item shipping together with it, also need fit on ONE PALLET, limited 5 items.
Tacos ( chila*****@gmail.com )
2022-01-28 10:00:05